Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congratulatory Speech Sample Can Anyone Help Me Answer This Question?

Can anyone help me answer this question? - congratulatory speech sample

In the high mountains, a boss, talk to another member of the tribe.

"I hope that these bulbs, we eliminate hunger. I ate two days ago after negotiations with the neighboring tribe. We have an agreement got ten bulbs per gram of bronze. Everything went well, I gained their trust."

Member of the tribe recognizes the relief in the voice of the boss and he improvised a speech of congratulation.

"Head in order to solve our problems. Cooperation with other tribes, and went with the results. Chief expert has found the answer in order to strengthen our relations with our neighbors and the bronze medal for onion trade. Chief exhibits all the qualities that we need a leader !

The locals say that the Answer__________.

Capital letters, is a track that is - monitoring the measures --
and the answer is just a word.
The answer is probably right in front of my face, but I can not understand.


DollyLam... said...

Custom ok, the answer, but it has launched legal action against. Look for action words, and take the first letter of each. Reading --
speak T
Hopefully H
Remove E

Warranty S

Resolution S

Do the same with the last paragraph of your reply:)

John F said...

Although not discussed there. It is difficult to answer.

jan51601 said...

C = combined
L = left
U = uncovered
S = strengthens
T = Trade
E = exposure
R = Required

Thus, if the answer to how to do it right is your answer CATEGORY

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